My 2024 Tarot Growth Year

Hey Gyal, hey!

This blog post is impromptu, but I got the urge to write after receiving uncannily insightful information highly relevant to this season of my life.

As I write this, I am in the middle of my morning mommy time, which consists of promoting my content, working on content, and watching YouTube videos in the background. As I watched Sarra Cannon's video titled "Changing my life in 2024 | Friday Coffee Chat," Sarra shared information about some tarot card readings she received and how they were "spot on" for her. A bit further into the video, Sarra talks about Grow Tarot Cards. With my interest piqued, I looked up mine, and the results blew me away!

Determining Your Tarot Growth Year

To determine your tarot growth year, add the day and month of your birth, then add the sum to the year you wish to consider; for me, it was 2024. From here, take your new sum, which was 2065 for me, and add the individual number within that sum. So that would look like 2+0+6+5=13. If the sum is greater than 22, add the resulting numbers.

For a more in-depth explanation of how to find your Tarot Growth Card, I recommend visiting The Tarot Room's website.

My Current Growth Year

As it stands, I am currently in Growth Year #13, symbolized by Death. To be honest, I was taken aback by this news, given my miscarriage on the 15th of November and all of the hardships and ruptured relationships leading up to that day. However, my surprise did not come from the Death Tarot Card itself but more from what it represented.

As it goes, in a death cycle, one is in a season of transformation and renewal. This is an excellent time to let go of the things that are no longer serving me and holding me back from my future growth. It is time to declutter from the past, figuratively and literally, so that future gains may be realized. It is time to move forward and not be stuck in the past. Like a phoenix, the death cycle represents a season of rebirth, for it is a naturally occurring part of life, as life and Death maintain a harmonious coexistence.

Shadow Symbols

A Shadow card is a card that indicates a hidden/repressed fear/desire that subconsciously influences situations in one's life. The Shadow Symbols for Growth Year 13 - Death are The Fool and The Emperor. The Fool represents New beginnings, expanded horizons, and the willingness to be an intuitive risk taker. The Emperor represents leadership, power, and authority.

My Thoughts

I reacted to this revelation because it was unsettlingly spot-on for me. I am in a season of rebirth; I'd coined 2024 as my year for reinvention before seeing all of the YouTube trends about reinventing yourself, so clearly, I'm not the only one in a season of expansion. 

As for the Death card itself, my initial reaction to it was, yes, there has been a lot of Death and hardship surrounding me, but then again, I was taken aback by the actual interpretation of the card and how it represents rebirth and how closely that merged with my personal desire to reinvent myself.

I found the overall correlation between the resulting cards and this upcoming era of my life's journey to be very on point and telling that 2024, despite any hiccups is going to me a pivotal season in my personal development journey. I hope you stay tuned for the ride.

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