October 2023 Weekly Check-In #01

For some mystical reason or another, my internet isn't working. So, like any dedicated blogger, I have cracked open a Word document, put on a long YouTube video for ambient noise, cracked my knuckles, and jumped into it 😊 .


This quote really spoke to me, 

"And if today all you did was hold yourself together, I am proud of you."


Recently, I started using "The High-Performance Planner". The main reason for the shift is that I have been feeling unfulfilled in the progressions of my level 10 life and ikigai. So far, this book has been great for personal reflection, so the initial sticker shock has been well worth it for me.

How does this all tie into the quote I mentioned? Well… I'm glad you asked! As I said earlier, I have been less than pleased with my progression regarding my personal development journey. Overall, I realized that I have been struggling to stay motivated. After a few sessions with my life coach, I came to define my why. My why is rooted in "My Drive to pursue my passion and my commitment to others." However, I see this as more of a core value than a why, and I need to sit down and revisit what fuels my 90-day goals.


Speaking of 90-day goals 🐿️ 🤣

I am currently on day 15 as of today! As far as my progression over the past two weeks.

Goal 01

I have not been good at creating a budget. However, I have been good about paying myself and my bills, so my savings goal is a bit ahead of schedule! We love to see it!


Goal 02

My Kindle Vella THRALL has been bringing in some traction, plus I have also started two soon-to-be three more Vellas that I am excited about. I have also been planning some content for my webcomic Sugar Noire, so stay tuned for that!


Goal 03

At work, I have been tasking myself to go outside of my comfort zone and work on areas I feel weak. Last week, I got stronger and quicker at one of my areas of improvement, which showed. I have never been a fan of a leader who requires staff to do things they are incapable or unwilling to do, so I am doing my best to grow and improve. Regarding my creative entrepreneurial work, a quote by Sara Cannon stuck with me: "` It is my job to get myself excited about my projects." This hit me like a ton of bricks. How can I expect others to care about my work if I do not care about it? My commitment to myself in the future is to take more pride in my work because it is ultimately the fruit of my labor and a testament to my dedication and drive.


My Goals Going Into This Week

Reading – Save the Cat Writes a YA

Work – Find a New area to get stronger in and work on that for the week

Creative Entrepreneur – Review my content calendar and begin creating posts, Preptober, Kindle Vella

School – Catch up on schoolwork

Home – Declutter: I am not a minimalist, but I am aiming to live a more minimalistic life

Health – Walk 5000 steps a day 😊

Personal Development – Work on defining my "Why"

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